Vehicle DetailsPayment CalculatorCondition: New Mileage: 5 Exterior Color: Obsidian Black Metallic Interior Color: Bahia Brown/Black Interior Material: Synthetic Leather
VIN: WBX47DP09RN311973
Model #: 24ST Engine: Intercooled Turbo Gas/electric I-6 3.0 L/183 Transmission: 9-speed Automatic W/od Drive Train: Awd Other Vehicles You May LikeOur Reviews
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The list of standard equipment and accessories contained on this document reflect equipment which was standard at the time vehicle was manufactured. This vehicle may or may not contain some or most of the equipment and accessories listed as a result of the vehicle identification number equipment compilation provided by a third party source. This VIN equipment compilation is provided as a service by the dealer and a third party source and is in no way intended to serve as a warranty or list of actual equipment contained on the vehicle.